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VERTU X Oscar Wilde: Unveiling the Charm of Luxury and Elegance

VERTU X Oscar Wilde: Unveiling the Charm of Luxury and Elegance

Oscar Wilde, one of the greatest Irish writers and artists of the 19th century, is best known for his plays, poems, fairy tales and novels. Oscar Wilde, a pioneering aesthete writer and artist who is a combination of beauty and wisdom, is undoubtedly the common idol of lovers of literature and art who love romance and are obsessed with aesthetics.



With his shoulder-length hair, scarlet velvet frocks and thumping heels, he was one of the most wildly acclaimed fashion ICONS of his generation. From his witty plays to his enchanting fairy tales, Oscar Wilde was one of England’s greatest writers.


And like most writers, he would have been lost with out his notebook. Every time he had an idea, he would pull the little leather book from his pocket and scribble it down. Just like Wilde, VERTU isn’t afraid to innovate and look ahead to the future.



Our first folding phone, Ayxta Fold, captures the spirit of the writer’s creativity. Ayxta Fold is designed to be carried around with ease while you jot down your next great idea (whatever that might be). Using breakthrough technology, the flexible screen can be opened and closed from 0°to 180°easily, just like a notebook.


But why ‘Ayxta’? As the phone is ideal for travelling, it was named after the X and Y axis on a map. The question is, where will you take it next?

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